Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mississippi Marketplace

Amazing day in Portland. The sun was shining most of the day and we got to go exploring. Of course food always points to the destination so we went to Mississippi and Skidmore thanks to a tip from Ellen's family. Nirvana! Now I am not vegan nor is #1DW but we may convert. There was a whole vegan corner of foodcarts. Not all open but then they never are. If you own a food cart you get to decide when you are open and then the customers learn to come when you are cooking. Very cool.

We chose the Native Bowl and Ruby Dragon. Incredibly good Golden Curry from Ruby Dragon http://therubydragonpdx.blogspot.com/.  Vegetables (green beans, potato, eggplant)  and tofu in a spicy yellow curry with a side of rice in the greatest container (It is that colorful straw one in the picture).

From Native Bowl http://www.foodcartsportland.com/2009/11/06/native-bowl/ we got Alberta Bowl – seasoned tofu, house-made fire-breathing dragon sauce, jasmine rice, shredded cabbage, carrots and scallions all served in layers in the white take out container.

But - why is there a beer glass in front of that wonderful food? - Well of course we needed to wash that all down and just so happened to be sitting out on a wood deck of Prost,
a terrific German pub - they actually encourage you to sit there and eat cart food and drink their beer. Or you can order a bratwurst or pretzel(among other things) from them. Typical Portland to be so happy to serve you even if you are eating food from someone else. It is the epitome of all that love and comradery we talked about in the sixties and seventies. But they are living it here.

Oh I will tell you more stories about the kindness of strangers but for today let the last picture suffice - where else can you do your laundry, eat Thai food and grab a beer all on the same corner!

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