Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A Little of This a Little of That/or F*&$ck the Construction Next Door!

Finally made it up to the ranch after an intense but wonderful month in Malibu. Got my Art/Privacy Wall up and it almost makes the nightmare of my neighbor's remodel worth the angst. Kind of looks like it was meant to be there doesn't it?
It also led to some very innovative Martini making on those nights when the day's construction saws were still whining in my ears. My new favorite  was inspired by Portland's Woodman Tavern and includes Citrus Hella Bitter. Smooth! And even now that I am up at the ranch again in peace with my horses it really makes the day to have one of these in the new spa. (Thank you Danny!).

Hella Good Martini

1 full shot glass of Tito's Vodka (this is the cleanest taste there is!)
1/8 shot extra dry Vermouth (apologies to my father in law but gotta have it)
2-3 shakes Hella Bitter (Citrus)
4 ice cubes

Put all into a martini shaker. Give it 4 good shakes. Pour into a chilled martini glass. Add 2 Mezzette Martini Olives. Put your feet up and think lovely thoughts!

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