Saturday, December 5, 2009

Leftover Sweet Potatoes - transformed!

I really meant to post this right after Thanksgiving but here it is. I was hightailing it back to the ranch with a bag full of leftover sweet potatoes. I know #1DRT was going to be very hungry, and I was running late as usual. So I grabbed a package of Aidell's Artichoke Chicken sausages and some salad fixings and set to thinking what I would do with the sweets as I made my way through traffic on the 5. I think cooking is so fun because if I come up with a flavor in my head I can then translate it to the plate. Texture is important too. I am so awestruck by musicians (like my daughter) or artists (like #1 DRT) because they create such amazing works of art out of their imagination. Maybe cooking is a little bit like that BUT it the art it produces disappears so quickly that it really can't compare. So, anyway - I know I want something comforting, healthy and spicy, sweet. So I came up with this somewhere over the Grapevine.

Mashed Chipotle Sweet Potatoes
- please feel free to adapt the measures according to your leftovers! I had a cup of these left after dinner so included it in my chicken stew the next night for flavor and thicking - good!

Mashed Chipotle Sweet Potatoes with Baby Spinach

4 medium cooked, peeled sweet potatoes
1 cup washed baby spinach
1/3 cup chicken broth
½ chopped large onion
2 tsp olive oil
1 Tb chipotle butter (they sell this at Whole Foods)
S & P to taste

Cut the sweet potatoes into halves and then quarters. Heat oil in a heavy saucepan over medium high heat until a drop of water sizzles and pops (about 1minute). Add chopped onion and stir until begins to soften (3 minutes) add spinach and butter and stir until butter is melted. Add the sweet potatoes and chicken broth. Cook about 5 minutes until mixture is heated through. Remove from heat, add salt and pepper to taste and mash with a hand mixer ( or however else you like to mash potatoes). Mound on a plate and devour!#1DRT said this was just what he wanted to eat. Mmmmhhh how do I know!

1 comment:

Candy Barr said...

Boy does this look and sound scrumtious Laure! I love the colors and the combo of spinach with sweet potato.. good for texture as you say too. Brilliant! Nice comfort food in cold wet weather I suspect...